Terran News Network
...we now go live to Wolf
Blitizicus our military correspondent on the bridge of the INWS Terror in Yoventrov
-a dull murmur in the background can be noticed as Wolf turns
to face the camera-
Thank you Jill. We are awaiting
the appearance of Rear Admiral Stephonius who will be delivering a statement momentarily.
Sources say that he will be addressing the populous of Yoventrov about the recent
developments in the TOG/Commonwealth conflict here. As we all know, in recent months
Commonwealth and Renegade forces have began a massed offensive on Yoventrov and Rift
Counties in the Alaric Grand Dukedom. Experts say that this is a last ditch attempt by a
defeated foe to launch a desperate offensive. It has also been noted that this is the last
remaining reserve the Commonwealth has available to launch offensive operations.
If this fails it will sound a death knell for the Commonwealth.
Others argue that this is actually the begining of a broad frontal assault that
will see Commonwealth and Renegade units on the offensive on every front. But all this is
speculation...wait I believe we are about to begin, here is the Chief of Staff for the XX
Imperial Fleet, Commodore Orion...
-the noise dies down and reporters take their seats as the
Commodore approaches the podium-
Good afternoon gentlemen. The admirals remarks today will begin with a prepared statement.
He may answer questions afterwards.
And now I would like to introduce the Commander of the XX Imperial Navy Fleet, Rear
Admiral Marcus Stephonius.
-the reporters rise as the admiral enters the room. The room
is silent less the slight noise of a few power cells in the cameras-
Please be seated and good afternoon. I am here today to deliver the gravest of news.
Two days ago on the
planet Caer Cydonya the Supreme Commander of Imperial Forces in Rift and Yoventrov
Counties, Grand General Aurellius was assasinated....
-the crowd rises up and the noise level shoots up as they all
ask question blurting out the first thing to come to their mind. Aides in the
background dash in all directions. All hell breaks loose as everyone is stunned by
the news-
Quiet down! Everyone keep your seats! I will not have this bridge turned into a raving pit
of lunatics! You shall all be silent until I have finished my remarks...
At the time of his death Grand General Aurellius was on the planet inspecting the
battlefield at the front with elements of an Imperial Legion and his personal gaurd. A
flurry of artillery rained down on his position. In the commotion a sniper shot killed the
Grand General.
-the commodore pauses for a moment then
He was a valiant warrior who will be
remembered for his bravery and gallantry in combat. He was a commander who led from the
front and it was fitting that he died at the front. That is how he should be remembered.
To all the Terran citizenry of Yoventrov County I say do not worry. Your homes are
in no peril from the Commonwealth invaders. This tragedy shall not destabilize TOG unity.
This is the time to be strong and all citizens of the Empire should rally behind the
military in support of our efforts.
This is not a time of sadness, but a
time to strike back at the Commonwealth. And that is why I call for any citizen who wants
to fight to go to your local military office and join up to create the Legion of
Yoventrov. Lend your aid in destroying the Commonwealth!
Thank You and Hail Caesar!
-the noise level shoots up as all the reporters begin to
clammer to ask questions-
Admiral, what unit was the Grand General with at the time of his death?
That is classified.
Sir, what does this mean to the war in Rift and Yoventrov? Will it be the death of
Imperial forces here?
No. We are are still in control and will not allow the Commonwealth any ground.
Those are all the questions I will take. I have other more important business to
attend to.
Good night
-back to Wolf Blitzicus-
Well there it is. A Grand General dead. We'll be back in just a moment.
-cut to a commercial-
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-the Comm screen goes blank-