FROM: CO CW/RL Forces, PSYRONIA Psyronia is nearly secured. Only one TOG legion is here and we are in the process of chasing it down and eliminating it. TOG Naval Station under our control and we destroyed its defense squadron along with dealing several casualties to the Harasser squadron that was in system earlier. Will inform you when operation is complete. Supply and casualties under control, except 358th Legion lost a manus in its transports when the Harasser squadron made a pass on us as we dropped. FROM: Brigadier (RA) Rollens, CO operation, BARTERWORLD The 983rd Renegade Infantry and 32nd KessRith have secured the world below. The TOG units pulled offworld as soon as we transitioned. Their whereabouts are unknown. FROM: Prefect (OTL) Sevrus, CO 44321st
Infantry (M), NUGGETZ FROM: Brigadier General Gradius, FORT
FORTUITUS FROM: Brigadier General (RL) Scipius, SCAPA FLOW General, We have one concern and one problem. Concern: the
Praetorians could prove troublesome, could you send us a unit with more experience (GM
note- your three are all regular) to help, perhaps Marines? Problem, We need warship support to harass their supply and hold off their ships (they have a Battleship and several cruisers in orbit, enough for perhaps two or three squadrons). Please advise. FROM: COMM Diaz, CO 10100th Royal Battleship Squadron, 7th Fleet (Near ARECIBO). Unable to drop units of 15th Corps; entire TOG Fleet detected immediatley after transitioning from T-Space, Withdrew before units could give chase, currently gone deep at (5,4), request further instructions [GM note-next turn]... FROM: ADM Nogueira,14976th Royal Battleship
Squadron, 26th Fleet. CAER CYDONYA. No enemy warships in sight. FROM: LT (RN) Erikson, CO Corvette
"Tyler", GAMMA EDEN. Alert! Incoming transmission. Top priority. FROM: LCDR (RN) Meaney, CO Corvette
"Aeroplane", BETA EDEN. FROM: LCDR (RLN) Powers, CO Corvette
"Brattain", enroute to RYKER'S WORLD. FROM: LT (RN) Schlagerhoffner, CO Corvette
"Columbia", TCN-1147. |