Battle reports
Battle Report 1 ] Battle Report 2 ] Battle Report 3 ]

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Battle Report 1
Battle Report 2
Battle Report 3


Turn 1

  1. Psyronia almost secured.
  2. Barterworld Secured
  3. CW assault on Nuggetz underway.
  4. Fort Fortuitus almost secured.
  5. Scapa Flow under attack, no CW fleet present. TOG Praetorian Guard on planet.
  6. Arecibo assault halted. Large TOG Fleet present in system
  7. Caer Cydonya, space superiority achieved, no oppostion.
  8. New Jamestown VLCA is presumed destroyed due to enemy action.

Turn 2

  1. Victory on Nuggetz! CW forces have nearly secured the planet having destroyed the TOG Legions on planet.
  2. TOG Praetorian guards land at Caer Cydonya. 65th RPGL waits to strike. The 107th TOG Infantry has been heavily damaged. The TOG Praetorian legion launched a counter-strike and damaged the 314906th CW Strike legion.
  3. Battle with the Grand Generals squadron at Caer Cydonya.
  4. Commonwealth Forces on Everest have met resistance and are outnumbered 3 to 2.
  5. A Praetorian Guard unit on Fort Fortuitus has almost destroyed the 20479th RIL. Units on planet are requesting extraction.
  6. CW1983rd RBBS engaged a TOG aggressor squadron at Psyronia. Light damage was taken.
  7. CW Forces on Psyronia are under heavy assault and are outnumbered 3 to 4.
  8. Units to be dropped on Scapa Flow unable to do so, presumably due to enemy fleet units. 3 Regular legions on planet under heavy assault, versus 3 TOG legions (including 1 Praetorian Guard Legion).

Turn 3

  1. Fleet battle at Caer Cydonya.  14976th engaged 3BBs alone and took heavy damage.  Unit needs replacement cruiser and repair time.  A joint attack by CW/RL forces destroyed a TOG Light CV squadron.  TOG controls orbit.
  2. Engagement at Psyronia.  TOG 666 Squadron arrives in system but doesn't prevent dropping of Baufrin Regt.  Planetary battle is even with 4 TOG Legions ve 3 CW/RL legions plus Baufrin Regt.
  3. All Ground units drop sucessfully on Scapa Flow.  18th Fleet in system (supported by 7th FLeet BBs).  7 Legions vs 3 TOG legions on planet.
  4. Fort Fortuitus.  Destruction of the 20479th Renegade Infantry Legion by the TOG 82nd Praetorian Legion.  B'ekkal Legion on planet has been withdrawn for R&R.