Battle Report 1 Battle Report 2 Battle Report 3
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Turn 1
- Psyronia almost secured.
- Barterworld Secured
- CW assault on Nuggetz underway.
- Fort Fortuitus almost secured.
- Scapa Flow under attack, no CW fleet present. TOG
Praetorian Guard on planet.
- Arecibo assault halted. Large TOG Fleet present in
- Caer Cydonya, space superiority achieved, no
- New Jamestown VLCA is presumed destroyed due to enemy
Turn 2
- Victory on Nuggetz! CW forces have nearly secured the
planet having destroyed the TOG Legions on planet.
- TOG Praetorian guards land at Caer Cydonya. 65th
RPGL waits to strike. The 107th TOG Infantry has been heavily damaged. The TOG
Praetorian legion launched a counter-strike and damaged the 314906th CW Strike legion.
- Battle with the Grand Generals squadron at Caer
- Commonwealth Forces on Everest have met resistance
and are outnumbered 3 to 2.
- A Praetorian Guard unit on Fort Fortuitus has almost
destroyed the 20479th RIL. Units on planet are requesting extraction.
- CW1983rd RBBS engaged a TOG aggressor squadron at
Psyronia. Light damage was taken.
- CW Forces on Psyronia are under heavy assault and are
outnumbered 3 to 4.
- Units to be dropped on Scapa Flow unable to do so,
presumably due to enemy fleet units. 3 Regular legions on planet under heavy assault,
versus 3 TOG legions (including 1 Praetorian Guard Legion).
- Fleet battle at Caer Cydonya. 14976th
engaged 3BBs alone and took heavy damage. Unit needs replacement cruiser and repair
time. A joint attack by CW/RL forces destroyed a TOG Light CV squadron. TOG
controls orbit.
- Engagement at Psyronia. TOG 666 Squadron
arrives in system but doesn't prevent dropping of Baufrin Regt. Planetary battle is
even with 4 TOG Legions ve 3 CW/RL legions plus Baufrin Regt.
- All Ground units drop sucessfully on Scapa
Flow. 18th Fleet in system (supported by 7th FLeet BBs). 7 Legions vs 3 TOG
legions on planet.
- Fort Fortuitus. Destruction of the
20479th Renegade Infantry Legion by the TOG 82nd Praetorian
Legion. B'ekkal Legion on planet has been withdrawn for R&R.