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Operation : Freedom

(Alaric Grand Dukedom)

cwclock.gif (19377 bytes)       Operational Briefing     rlclock.gif (13787 bytes) 

I. Situation

The death of Caesar Julianus earlier this year went much more smoothly than expected. The new Caesar's rise to power has had few problems. In fact, Caesar has even retained many of the previous Caesar's Overlords with the promise of even more power than they previously enjoyed.

The battle for control of Shannedam County has come to a halt due to spirited naval actions led by the 14976th Royal Battleship Squadron and 1237th Strike Squadron. The TOG offensive into Shannedam has been stalled. Now in late 6834, the Commonwealth/Renegade Joint Chiefs of Staff have come up with the first offensive in nearly forty years: Operation Freedom.

Over twenty legions of troops (including the 65th Renegade Praetorian Guard) have been divided into four corps. A supporting fleet will accompany each Corp. This juggernaut military force will carry the fight back into TOG occupied space and reclaim former Commonwealth worlds.

II. Mission

Commonwealth Forces will endeavour to reclaim Rift County from the TOG oppressors and use the county as a launching pad to undermine the entire TOG frontline. The liberation of Rift County will allow Commonwealth/Renegade forces to "roll up the flank" of TOG within the Alaric Grand Dukedom.

III. Execution

While the 2nd and 5th Corps (supported by the 26th and 9th fleets) harass TOG in Yoventrov County,


(Yoventrov county)

the 15th Corps and the 38th Renegade Army Group are to utterly decimate TOG forces in Rift, securing it for use in further operations.

(Rift County)

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